The Story's Big Idea

Many of us, from time to time, feel like the Little Donkey: We don’t fit in, feel left out, or seem to make a mess of things. This can cause us to feel alone, like we’ve failed, or that we lack true significance. Many people suffer from shame, loneliness and isolation. The other donkeys, The Little Donkey’s master, and even The Little Donkey’s parents symbolize the people from whom we often look for meaning and value, but often come up short. The Brawny men who symbolize Our Lord’s apostles bring not the strongest, most beautiful donkey to the bring to the Strong Man. The Strong Man, who symbolizes Jesus, chooses The Little Donkey to ride on. This event symbolizes our Lord Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The Strong Man loves The Little Donkey for who the Little Donkey is not for what he can do. But the Strong Man also believes in The Little Donkey, and knows that he can do great things if he trusts the Strong Man. The Lord Jesus loves us for who we are, not what we can do. Nevertheless, He wants us to do great things in His name. The Strong Man does several things that give the Little Donkey strength: He gazes upon him with love; He breathes his life into The Little Donkey; and He entrusts the Little Donkey with a mission. Our Lord Jesus does those same things to each of us. He chooses us, delights in us, and gazes upon us with His tender love. He sends and breathes upon us His Holy Spirit who animates us with real, supernatural strength and confidence. He entrusts us with the mission to “carry Jesus,” to bring Him to others. But, like The Little Donkey, when we do good things in the Lord’s name, we can become confused and think that people are applauding and glorifying us, but really it is the Lord in us who they are honoring. Like the Little Donkey, we are called to “lower” our pride and elevate God more, so that all may see His glory rather than proclaiming our own glory. The Little Donkey teaches us that we are not defined by creatures and what they think of us, but rather, we are defined by the Creator and who He has created us to be. God loves to use little donkeys to bring him the most glory, because they don’t steal God’s glory. God, however, will never be outdone in generosity: Glorify God and He cannot help but to glorify you -as He did with the Little Donkey.

About the Characters

The Other Donkeys and their Master: The Little Donkey’s master, the other donkeys and even his parents represent those to whom we often look for value and importance, but sometimes are rejected by.
The Brawny Men: These men symbolize the disciples, who in the Gospel bring the donkey to Jesus that he may ride the donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
The Strong Man: The Strong Man symbolizes our Lord Jesus who asks for a donkey that has never been ridden on.
The Little Donkey: The Little Donkey symbolizes you and me, who may not be important to the world, may be inexperienced in the ways of the Lord, and may feel weak, ashamed or even useless, yet nevertheless, He chooses us to bring God to others.

Questions to Ask Your Child

  1. Who do you think the Little Donkey symbolizes?
  2. Have you ever felt like The Little Donkey – helpless, alone, ashamed, or scared?
  3. Who does the Strong Man symbolize?
  4. Why do you think the Strong Man breathed into The Little Donkey’s nostrils?
  5. How did it make you feel when The Strong Man loved The Little Donkey after The Little Donkey smiled?
  6. What made The Little Donkey so special?
  7. Why do you think The Little Donkey became confident and strong?
  8. Do you believe that the Lord Jesus looks at you with the love that the Strong Man looked upon The Little Donkey?
  9. When you do something good, are you tempted to take the glory? How can you overcome this?
  10. Do you believe that God can use you to share his love with others?


Consider sharing with your child an experience from your life when you felt like The Little Donkey? Perhaps you can also share a moment when you gave God the glory for something He empowered you to do.

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